William Horwood & Son Ltd.

Etching Press Commendations


We have been using the Williams Printing Press for the past two years, it has proved to be an invaluable part of our teaching and learning.

Pupils across Key Stage Four (ages 15 - 16) have produced intaglio and collographic plates and prints as part of their coursework for the Art and Design GCSE syllabus. It has proved particularly successful in raising the standard of boys work.

All our students are encouraged to produce work of excellence. The Williams Printing Press has enabled them to produce work of a professional standard that they are proud to exhibit around school and locally, some of which have been sold to private buyers. This has significantly raised the profile of the Art and Design department and greatly encouraged up and coming pupils at Key Stage Three who are keen to try out lots of new techniques. Students are able to produce prints up to A3 SIze.

In terms of practical processes the press meets all health and safety requirements. It is easily portable and thoughtfully designed to be cliild friendly (including a removable handle to prevent tampering and securely covered gear mechanisms).

Our pupils have benefited enormously from learning new practical skills and techniques, their enjoyment is evident from the work they produce. I have no hesitation in recommending the press to any Art and Design department or individual who wishes to produce high quality prints of a professional standard.


Very many thanks, for the loan of the WILLIAMS Al printing press. We used this equipment extensively prior to the full setup of our print workshop. In addition to our general workshop we also 'used the' A.I. Press to facilitate two INSET courses for tutors.

Here are some features of the A.I press that impressed us.

  • Excellent gearing making easier use for the younger student the elderly and disabled student.
  • Light and mobile but giving as much pressure as a much heavier press
  • Flexibility - capable of printing monotype-collograph-lino-woodblock and etching with great clarity.
  • Competitive price - a little more expensive than the cheapest on the market but in every way equal to the most expensive. Excellent value for the price.

We hope to purchase 2. A.1 and 2 A.2 to establish an outreach provision for school and community use.

Design by Virtual Shropshire